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Using And Caring For Machine Lace

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Whether you make your own lace or use machine lace in your sewing projects, how to care for both during the crafting process and afterward is a must. The following tips will help ensure that your lace looks just as pretty as when it was first made by providing hints on how to maintain the delicate fibers.

Tip #1: Clean it first

Lace should be cleaned once the garment or item is completed. Oils from your skin and other soil transferred to the lace during crafting can cause it to yellow or otherwise discolor over time. This is especially important if the item will be stored. If the lace is labeled as machine washable, use a gentle cycle and warm water to avoid dye run off from other colors in the garment. Do not wash it with any other items that could cause a snag, such as hook closures. Lay the lace out flat or hang it tautly to air dry.

Tip #2: Use starch appropriately

Lace typically requires a stiffener to maintain its shape. You can even stiffen the lace before sewing it in place. The only exception are some commercially made laces that have a stiff nylon thread worked into the design. Spray starch works well for most garment laces. Iron the lace flat using a medium-hot setting and a press cloth. Once the wrinkles are removed, spray lightly with starch. Stiffer liquid starches are only suitable for lace that will be used for decorative purchases. For these, dip the item in the starch mixture then press dry using a press cloth.

Tip #3: Avoid the stretch

Lace should never be stretched while sewing. While the finished product may at first look fine, after a washing or wearing the lace with get unsightly bulges and wrinkles. Pin the lace carefully in place to ensure there are no wrinkles. Then, adjust your machine's sewing tension so it doesn't bunch up the lace. Using a slightly loose tension on your sewing machine typically works well.

Tip #4: Store properly

Storing your lace, both before use and after it has been sewn into a project, must be done properly. Avoid creasing or folding the lace. Loose lace should be rolled on a spool. Clothing should be folded so the lace remains straight. Alternatively, you can roll up the clothing to prevent creases. Avoid storing starched lace for more than a week or two, since the starch may discolor the lace. A quick wash and dry prevents this problem

For more help working with lace machine embroidery designs, contact a supplier.
